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Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Hehehe.. today i read this online.. So funny!
For those who dunno, Eunhyuk and Leeteuk are from Super Junior, and this is taken from one of their conversations during a radio session.

The dual interpretation of the message is so funny!

Eunhyuk’s Signed CD selling at a low price
Leeteuk: Earlier on the internet, we saw someone created a thread saying “Selling a signed CD by Eunhyuk”, and “It hasn’t been played after it was signed….”
Eunhyuk: Earlier on I searched for “Eunhyuk”, and this post came out “Selling Eunhyuk’s signed CD at a low price”, when he said he was selling at a low price I didn’t feel very comfortable, and it also said “Never been played before, current condition A+”. Really, looking at it doesn’t make me feel very comfortable……
Leeteuk: Selling it a low price, haha, you’re not valuable.
Eunhyuk: Don’t sell it at a low price, please sell it at a slightly higher price.
Taken from http://jereca213.wordpress.com/
Suju Fighting! The 3rd album is really nice!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
10:56 PM

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

You Are Bicycling
You are an energetic, driven person. You try to live a good life.
You are industrious and determined. You happily and willingly do hard work.

You are deeply philosophical. You are concerned with doing things the best way.
You love freedom to explore and experiment. You don't like rules.

What Type of Transportation Are You?

You Are The Heart
You are very industrious. Working hard makes you feel good.
You are powerful and strong. Some people may think you're fragile, but you're not in the least.

You are steady and reliable. You keep going no matter what.
However, you do tend to react to situations. Stress makes you speed up.

What Internal Organ Are You?

You Are Tea
You are mellow and reflective. You don't allow yourself to feel in a rush and frenzied.
You're likely to appreciated the ideas or connections that come up over a warm cup of tea.

While you do enjoy the energy of a caffeine boost, you love that it allows you to take a break.
You're not in a rush to do anything. You're content with your life, and in no rush to change it.

Are You Coffee or Tea?

You Are Tuesday
Like this day of the week, you are ruled by Mars.
More than anything, you are explosive.

You are headstrong and courageous. You are willing to take a risk with crazy odds.
You tend to be a bit impatient as well. You will push for what you want.

For you, it's fitting that Tuesday is election day in the United States.
You are a true catalyst for change, and you're willing to fight for what you want.

What Day of the Week Are You?

You are the Sense of Sight
You are a very observant, detail oriented person.
You are able to take in a lot of information at once.
You often see things that other people never notice.

You have a good eye for design and aesthetics.
You love to be surrounded by beauty - natural or not.
When you imagine how something should look, you see it clearly in your mind.

Which of the Five Senses Are You?

You Are 56% Real
You're pretty real with people, but you can't help hiding a good part of yourself.
You're not truly happy with who you are at times... and believe it or not, it shows.
Try not to hide parts of your life from the people who matter to you.
Your friends and family are probably a lot more accepting than you realize!

How Real Are You?

Your Inner Color is Purple
Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great.

You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own.

Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician.

What's" Your Inner Color?

You Are 61% Perfectionist
You are a true perfectionist. You are both demanding of yourself and others.
While it's great to have goals and standards, they don't need to be sky high!

Are You a Perfectionist?

--Mary HAD a little lamb--
2:38 AM

You Are a Scholar

You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.

Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation.

Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.

You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively.

Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics

Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness

Your power color: Navy blue

Your power symbol: Shield

Your power month: April

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Very true^^

Your Birthday Predicts You're Logical

Ever since you were born, you've been very practical.

You focus on how things are instead of how they should be. You cope well.

You love fact and figures. You crunch numbers like a pro, and you're naturally analytical.

You don't give into your emotions. You are ruled by your head - not by your heart.

What Does Your Birthday Predict About You?

Your Birthday's Wisdom is Thought

You believe a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and you try to exercise your brain as much as possible.

You are intrigued by almost everything, and you are curious about the world around you.

You want to travel to foreign lands, read lots of books, and master many subjects.

You love to go on all sorts of adventures, especially the kind that don't require you to leave your room.

What's Your Birthday's Wisdom?

Your True Birth Month Is January




Easily jealous

Loves children

Rather reserved

Highly attentive

Likes to criticize

Needs close friends

Ambitious and serious

Smart, neat and organized

Hardworking and productive

Loves to teach and be taught

Quiet unless excited or tensed

Sensitive and has deep thoughts

Knows how to make others happy

Searches for the greatest romance

Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds

Romantic but has difficulties expressing love

Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses

What's Your True Birth Month?
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
1:43 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Apparently tml's my exams! zzz..

Came across this interesting post by 简爱 from http://blog.aqedu.cn/u/chenxiaohong7/.. I only took out relevant parts lol.. Here goes:


--Mary HAD a little lamb--
2:08 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
6:30 PM


 1. 拥有旺盛好奇心的双子座,对情报的收集与分析能力很强。
 2. 双子座的人是属于会玩也会学的人.
 3. 双子座的人喜欢说话,有很好的社交手腕,很容易跟陌生人打成一片,是个制造快乐气氛的高手,能为自己带来不错的人缘。在金钱方面,多少都会有些储蓄,该用则用,该省则省是主要的原则。由于双子座爱好社交活动,往往将钱花在交际应酬上,加上好面子不喜欢开口向人借钱,也不知该如何开口,除非有不得已情形,否则绝不会向人借钱。
 4. 工作热心、做事计画周详绵密,能掌握住要领,可以迅速完成工作,这是双子座工作的风格。讨厌平凡乏味的生活.喜欢探索事情的本质、结构及分析原因,而且能在短暂时间内快速整理出结果。
 5. 双子座是有着一体两面的性格的,一半明媚,一半忧伤,很乐观又很消极,亦正亦邪。
 6. 他喜欢热闹的氛围,又喜欢安静地独处,特别喜欢有自己的独立空间。他不喜欢别人干涉他的自由,也不喜欢干涉别人的自由。他的激动情绪很少外露,当被别人误解时,他不会和别人争吵,他会突然很沉默地不说话,不理你,不想被任何人打扰。
 7. 但当别人触犯到他的人格或他的家人时,他就会爆发了,跳出来指责你的不对。遇到不公平的事情时,他会以打抱不平的姿态对事不对人,不管你有多么权威。
 8. 每个初次见到双子座的人,都觉得他冷漠,其实很多时候他是装出来的,对于陌生人,他是戒备的,是保护自己的一种方式。但是跟他熟悉了的朋友,会觉得他其实挺随和,挺可爱,还挺幽默的。他会察言观色是因为他有着敏感的神经,但同时也给他带来负担,很累。
 9. 双子座其实是个很简单的人,他不喜欢复杂的人际关系,在那些勾心斗角的环境下工作会让他感到身心俱疲。
 10. 他的朋友很少,因为他重质不重量。通常对于一个刚认识的朋友,他会观察你很久,对于你的人品与内在,他才是注重的。对于一般的朋友,他永远与你保持一段距离。
 11. 对于深交的朋友,他则会推心置腹地与你谈心,但绝不是无所不谈。他不轻易谈他的心事,即使是和很亲密的朋友在一起。只有在他感到困惑的时候他才会说出来。
 12. 对于朋友遇到的困难,他会竭尽全力去帮助你,他会因你的快乐而快乐,因你的悲伤而悲伤,他的情绪总会跟随着你。

eh? 有些还蛮准的哦(尤其是5-12)!







--Mary HAD a little lamb--
2:20 PM

Friday, September 05, 2008
Today i checked my email inbox to see which mail i can delete.. i actually have mails from 2002!
However, i found this rather meaningful msg(the forwarded kind) that i feel is rather good:


To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years
Ask a newly Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

To realize
The value of one month
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one hour
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.

To realize
The value of one minute
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize
The value of one millisecond
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

To realize
the value of a friend
Lose one.

Moral of the story: TREASURE YOUR FRIENDS!!!
So if i din see you for a long time, ASK ME OUT!!!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
3:33 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008
OMG Try this!
Play The Impossible Quiz
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
6:51 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008

--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:27 AM

;lose a lot of weight
;save $$
;have more 4e4 gatherings
;meet cheryl v often
;have my dream room
;Find HIM

|Hui Tian|
|Hui Mei|
|Ji Bin|
|Jin Hong|
|Koh Ting|
|Mr. Lee|
|Shuk Man|
|Woon Jiun|
|Xin Ling|
|Yong Kian|
|Yu Xuan|
|Zhi Lei|
|Gek Ting|
|Hui Ting|
|Wei Cheng|
|Cheng Pei|
|Melissa Toh|
|Wan Chen|
|Yee Chuin|
|Yuan Jing|
|Yu Xuan|
|the COOL gang|
Others X)
|Ahmazu (See Hui)|
|Ting Jie|
General O.o
|The Room Of Requirement|
|SBS Transit Travel Guide|
|Tickle Tests|
what i had!
|March 2005|
|April 2005|
|May 2005|
|June 2005|
|July 2005|
|August 2005|
|September 2005|
|October 2005|
|November 2005|
|December 2005|
|January 2006|
|February 2006|
|March 2006|
|April 2006|
|May 2006|
|June 2006|
|July 2006|
|August 2006|
|October 2006|
|November 2006|
|December 2006|
|January 2007|
|June 2007|
|September 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|February 2008|
|March 2008|
|May 2008|
|June 2008|
|July 2008|
|September 2008|
|February 2009|
|April 2009|
|June 2009|
|September 2009|
thank yous!
|adobe photoshop|